Special thanks to the following people for supporting this big dream.

Our Fabulous Kickstarter Backers

Adam Phillips Adeline & Reed

Amy Baker

Ann & Jeff Baker

Ann & Mark Weber

Astrid Bassett from Uncle Daniel

Bella Simon & Gregg Meller

Ben & Zoe Weber

Bennett & Charlotte

Beth & Peter Morrow

Beth and Jeff Berger

Cassi Sutherland

Eric, Xanda, Lucas, Ian & Gabi

Gary Kliegman

Heidi & Bob Wolk

Hunter Haas

Imagine Me Shine: Creative Therapy for Kids

Imogen & Charlie Stein

In Honor of Adalyn & Tenley Green

Jack Palumbo

Janet & Mark Topel

Joe Brazzi

Karen & Ken Rosen

Katie Decker and sons

Laura Prager Diamond

Lisa & Ron Swain

Lucy & Charlotte Tapper

McKenzie & Andy

Miller & Delaney Crook

Mirabelle Simons

More Than A Gym

Quilla & Naia Ross

Rachel Cohn

Remi & Nash Sturman

Sangwoo Park

Sarah, Jonathan, Emma & Ryan

Stacey Baer

Tali, Jonah, and Micah Werner

The Cohen Family

The Farringtons

The Fox Family (CMKC)

The Goldman Family

The Harris Family

The Hemmel & Adams Boys

The Jacobs Family

The Jarit Family

The Konzelmann Family

The Kupersmith Family

The Libmans

The Lippmans

The Lowy Family

The Marks Family

The Orsi Family

The Perlman Family

The Powers Family

PT & OT at ICD

The Reh Family

The Ross Family

The Schaefer Family

The Silverman Family

The Sobel Family

The Springer Family

The Stern Family

The Trankels

The Weiskopf Family

The Welt Family

The Wieseneck Family

Victoria & Anthony Severino

Claire Beslow

Cynthia Shevelew

Dianna Mosley

Donna Christiano

Dot & Victor Libman

Elizabeth Schneider in Memory of Rose Marie Jackson

Faith Hoopingarner

Florien Bouwmeester

Francine Guzy

Janet & Mark Topel

Jason Klein

Jason Mironov

Jay Kliegman

Jeffrey Noss

Jennifer Widholm

Jill & Steve Cohn

John McAuley

Joy Hutson

Judy Bruemmer

Katelin Clearwater

Katherine Chadwick

Linda Gruman

Lori Colon

Lori Minassian

Lori Solomon

Marina Roesler

Mark McNally

Marla Klein

Norine Mohle

Patricia Dykstra

Patti Schrager

Renee Cohen

Robert Wolk

Sandi Adler

Sherri Lippman

Stacey Gagliano

The Gallitano/Singh Family

Thomas Chatellier

Tod Brinkerhoff

Wayne Ross

William Oliver


Special thanks to Starlight Children’s Foundation for expanding this project’s reach tremendously. Learn more about Starlight and their incredible mission to “deliver happiness to seriously ill kids” here.